Dragon Slayer 4(Legacy of the Wizard) Character index

ドラゴンスレイヤー4 ドラスレファミリー キャラクター図鑑

Random display on reload / 再読み込みでランダム表示
Click to Jump each item / クリックで各項目へジャンプ
From the description of the minimum items required to clear the game to how to obtain them and which characters can equip them.

A page where you can quickly find out about Dragon Slayer 4 / Legacy of the Wizard. What the game is about, a one-page DS series correlation chart, revived versions available on current consoles, and a chronology, etc.

Maps of all versions of Dragon Slayer 4 / Legacy of the Wizard, item placement and status of all monsters.

Description page for all the BGMs in Dragon Slayer 4 / Legacy of the Wizard. The official soundtrack is available for sale as a download and can be listened to at ease. Information on which scene the BGM is played in, List of BGM names from official sources where possible. Those without official names in English are clearly marked as such. Please read with confidence.
ドラゴンスレイヤー4 ドラスレファミリーの全楽曲の解説。公式サウンドトラックがダウンロード販売されており、手軽に聴くことができる。

Summary of magazines in which Dragon Slayer 4 (Legacy of the Wizard) was covered. Includes advertisements, strategy information and supplements.
ドラゴンスレイヤー4 ドラスレファミリー が扱われた雑誌のまとめ。広告・攻略情報・付録など。

Credits for all versions of Dragon Slayer 4 (Legacy of the Wizard). Full text of film-style staff rolls and differences between versions,
and a record of who did what work on the development staff.
